The web application applies publicly available datasets to map agricultural land attributes, land management practices, and agri-environmental indicators. Dynamic maps and graphs allow users to view change in Canadian agriculture over time for a range of geographies. A user-friendly query builder makes it possible to integrate agricultural datasets to map farmland that satisfies criteria related to the adoption of management practices and environmental status. Additional analysis tools expand the scope of the tool to include analysis of landscape change, assessment of risk of natural land cover conversion, and prioritization of marginal farmland restoration.
To improve the availability of agricultural information, the data viewer for generating maps and charts of Canadian agricultural data is publicly available, as is the query builder for integrated analysis of agricultural data. This provides public access to a powerful yet user-friendly tool for exploring Canadian agricultural land use. The analysis tools for change analysis, assessment of risk of natural land cover conversion, and prioritization of marginal farmland restoration require a user account to access in order to manage data processing and storage load associated with their application. The data viewer, query builder, and analysis tools are described in a user-guide available here: User Guide.
For more information, please contact the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute.